How To Draw People

How To Draw People And Figures Perfectly, In Any Position...
Without A Model!

The Newly Re-discovered Long-Lost Manuscripts That Reveals. 

The Secret To Drawing The Human Body Flawlessly.

As someone who loves to draw, I was endlessly frustrated by how difficult it is to draw the human body. For some reason, my sketches just never seemed to look right.

My shoulders and torso just looked like a big lump. I would struggle with drawing a certain picture, and then gave up out of frustration halfway through.

"This book is incredible! I learned SO much from this book. I found that after copying just a few drawings, my understanding of the human body and how to draw it got so much better. 

I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling with the composition of the body as well as to anyone of a higher skill level as a great book of reference and as great general improvement."

Drawing The Human Figure.

I found expert after expert on the subject of figure drawing and asked them for help. In order to draw the human form, you need to know what lies beneath the surface.

It makes perfect sense. So all I have to do is learn human anatomy and -- BAAM -- I can draw figures like a pro, right?


I bought book after book on human anatomy and spent over 2 months pouring over them trying to pluck out something - anything - that would help me draw better. I walked into a used bookstore and as I was browsing the shelves, I saw a dusty old book tucked away in the corner. 

A Figure Drawing Artist Would Need.

The book was filled with stunning illustrations depicting the human form. Every page was a treasure.

And despite the discoloration of the pages, you could tell that these drawings were the works of a master. Leonardo Di Vinci? Micheal Angelo? Tintoretto? Rubens?

As it turned out, this long-forgotten manuscript was the work of none other than the legendary Victor Perard.

I sprinted towards the counter, paid the old shop keeper, and shot home as fast as I could.

How I Improved My Figure Drawing.

I took out some paper and pencils and started to copy the drawings inside. The book had drawings of every body part imaginable, showing them at every possible view and angle.

Even in this short amount of time, I could feel that my drawing skills had just skyrocketed to a whole new level. 

All the pictures that I had previously struggled with are now a walk in the park to draw. I kept using the book and continued to see improvements.