Learn To Draw Like A Pro With Online Drawing Lessons!

I loved the course! Your support and critiques were fantastic and very helpful. It shows you really care about your course and students, and your encouragement helped me to continue to move forward and improve. Courses like this are life changing . . . and your course has made a major positive impact on my life.
Thanks so much!
-- Rich McLafferty (one of my Artists Network University students)
This course directly targets key points that the "would be" artist has weaknesses in. It is the best course around. The staff are also great to work with. Well done, Sarah!
– Dr. Stephen MacMahon (Sydney, Australia)
I have really enjoyed this course and your style. -- Gary Morris
I do want to say that your video demos ...helped me to better understand the process. I know it will help with other figure drawings, landscapes, and whatever I want to draw as well. Thank you so much for the detailed demos! -- Marilyn
I think that all the information in this lesson is valuable and will help as a guide when I am working on future paintings. I find it odd that in many of my painting classes my instructors never spent time to explain in detail the way to approach the problems that arise when you are working with perspectivve. -- Renee Freed
I can easily see how these lessons will be useful, not only in drawing but in my paintings as well. Thank you. I look forward to taking more lessons from you in the future.
-- Ruth Warren
Surprisingly, I have learned to enjoy drawing and to believe that with practice, I could be good at it. I would never have expected that an on-line class would have been the vehicle that motivated me to like drawing. I am happy to have completed the course and a little sad to lose the connection.
-- Dolores Danks
Thank you so much for your course. The teaching and encouragement was great. I appreciated being able to download and print the lesson materials. Watching the videos were very helpful in understanding the lesson. I learned well from your teaching style, and the content was excellent, especially the way each lesson built on the previous one. Thanks again for your excellent teaching.
-- Marilyn Dueck
Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I have been struggling to learn how to draw for quite some time. Problem is I can’t draw what I want to sculpt. I have bought tons of how to books on drawing and tried many times to put pencil to paper. I saw your ad in drawing mag and thought I would give it a try. I am far from being “good” but now I can at least draw what I want to sculpt and I can actually draw something that is recognizable. Do you have a course on watercolors or oils? – Ben (Ohio)
I paid more money than this for an online course through my local college and learned practically nothing. I'm looking forward to learning to draw at the ripe old age of 68.
– Sandra Cortez
The mysteries of drawing have now been revealed! As a teacher myself, I appreciated that this class made drawing seem so much more accessible and achievable by clear instruction, effective exercises, and lots of encouragement.
– Jessica (Virginia)
Drawing at a distance squinting [was helpful, as well as] taking time to look at the subject before using the pencil. Practice, practice, practice! Thank you!
– Lois (Virginia)
As a beginner, this class has been perfect for me. I learned a number of techniques to help me to develop a drawing foundation. Despite some frustration resulting from lack of skill and experience, the class made me feel I can improve my artistic skills. – Don (Virginia)
A wonderful experience! Helped developed my skills and focus on areas where I need improvement.
– Jim (Virginia)
This class has helped me realize I can improve my work and make it look nice! I think this has been a wonderful class. – Bonnie (Virginia)